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WinCMM Files


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WinCMM Files

These files are all related to the Cadastral Measurement Management system (WinCMM).  If you encounter a link that does not function, please let us know.

CMM For Windows

This download contains the install routines for the Cadastral Measurement Management (CMM) program.  It is a Windows application.BUT most of the routines are still built off of the original DOS programming so keep your folder names under 8 characters to make sure everything work like it is suppose to.

CMM Update

This download contains an update for WinCMM.  This will update the program to version 2.0.0.  This update only contains a new WinCMM executable so just extract it into your existing WinCMM folder.

WIN CMM Tutorial

This download contains a CMM for Windows Tutorial.  Just extract the files and then double-click on the .CHM file.  The tutorial will start itself.  Thanks to Kelly Bellis for this!

CMM Documentation

This download contains the documentation for the DOS version of CMM.  Most of the commands within WinCMM still function like the old DOS routines did so you can still use this to figure out how to do things.  Warning, this is an old Word Perfect document that has been converted to Word .doc format so some of the graphics did not come through the conversion unscathed.  But it still makes for good reading.


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